Copyright Policy

Copyright in this Website belongs to Sarvodaya Ventures Pvt. Ltd. . Sarvodaya also uses contents of their vendors and third parties as well who might not be the original owners of copyright therein. The users should assume that standard copyright protection applies to all materials and contents displayed on the Website. Any redistribution, modification or reproduction of part or all of the contents featured in the Website in any form is prohibited. You may display, print, or download the contents to a local hard disk extracts for your personal, non-commercial use, but only if you acknowledge the Website as the source of the material. You are not permitted, except with the express written consent of Sarvodaya, to distribute or commercially exploit the contents on this Website. You are also prohibited from transmitting the contents or storing it in any other Website or in other form of electronic retrieval system.

Intellectual Property Rights Policy ("Website" or "Trucksuvidha") contains the trademark "TruckSuvidha", creations with the trademark "TruckSuvidha", other trademarks, logos, trade name, service marks and other marks (collectively "Marks") which are the intellectual property of Sarvodaya Ventures Pvt. Ltd. or their vendors or respective third parties. You understand that TruckSuvidha uses the Marks of vendors and respective third parties procured from the owner and/or distribution channel solely for promotional purposes. In doing so, TruckSuvidha has no intention, whatsoever, to acquire rights of use or license to these Marks.

You are not permitted to use the Marks without the prior written consent of Sarvodaya Ventures Pvt. Ltd. , the vendor or the third party that may own the Marks. If you do so, TruckSuvidha may, in its sole discretion, terminate Your Account.

You agree not to challenge the use, registration or application to register the Marks, anywhere in the world, and that you will not harm, misuse, or bring into disrepute any of the Marks. The goodwill derived from using the Marks or any part thereof, shall inure exclusively to the benefit of TruckSuvidha or its vendors or the third party that may own the Marks.

All Marks, domain name, trade dress including the "look and feel" of the Website, its text, graphics, button icons, interfaces, etc., and the arrangements thereof, is the property of TruckSuvidha or its vendors or the third party, as the case may be, unless otherwise indicated. All the contents are protected under copyright, trademark and other applicable intellectual property laws and may not be used by you, except as permitted by TruckSuvidha, its vendors or the concerned third party.

If you see something on the Website, which you believe is violating the intellectual property rights of any person, please send an infringement notice to TruckSuvidha at
